Choose the Best VoIP Softswitch Solution to Flourish Business
VoIP industry is growing as businesses now love to use VoIP calling. The VoIP solutions providers are catering all types of customers with different VoIP solutions from other VoIP service providers to companies to residential users. Along with the popularity of VoIP, the competition is also increasing and that is why the VoIP service provider companies need to make sure that their service is topnotch and receives maximum possible customer satisfaction.
A majority of VoIP service models is dependent on the VoIP softswitch solution. Either the VoIP service providers offer the carrier services to the other VoIP service provider or they provide the calling services to the end customers using the SIP based calling mechanism. The former type of VoIP service providers deal with the wholesale call traffic and they need to focus more on types of call routing. The later version of service provider deals with the residential calling so the number of calls is less than the wholesale service providers.
Each type of VoIP service provider needs a specific type of VoIP softswitch solution with a prerequisite set of features. Let’s get some more details about it. The wholesale VoIP service providers need the class 4 softswitch solution to handle their business. The major features available in the class 4 softswitch solution are inbound call routing, outbound call routing, different call routing types such as, prefix based call routing, least cost call routing, etc. As the class 4 softswitch deals with a huge number of calls, it has to have a load balancing system in place. Thus, the wholesale VoIP service provider always prefer to buy a VoIP company that can provide the class 4 switch installation with proper setup and configuration along with the load balancing.
The retail VoIP service provider needs to have all types of calling features. The calling features include anything you think of to enrich the communication of the residential users or any small scaled companies. This type of service providers is known as residential service providers and they use class 5 softswitch solution. The class 5 softswitch solution comes with features like, inbound and outbound calling, call forwarding, call transfer, music on hold, call transfer, voicemail, call on hold, conference calling and more.
Both, class 4 softswitch and class 5 softswitch solutions should have an integrated billing software because the manual billing can be near to impossible and error prone. Thus, the VoIP billing software has to be integrated in a way that it automates all invoicing and billing automated.
There are also hybrid VoIP softswitch solutions available in the market. The hybrid VoIP softswitch solution can have all or major features of both, class 4 and class 5 softswitch solutions. This type of VoIP based softswitch solution is perfect for those service providers that want to run business in both, wholesale and retail industries.
As one can imagine the responsibility of running and growing a VoIP business is pretty much on the VoIP softswitch solution. Thus, it is necessary to choose the best one. Vindaloo VoIP Solutions Pvt. Ltd has all 3 types of VoIP Softswitch solutions available as ready to use products. To know more about these softswitch solutions, visit respective links:
Class 4 softswitch solution:
Class 5 softswitch solution:
Hybrid VoIP softswitch solution: